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Museum Board


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Al ~ I still intend to stay off of this thread, but I thought I needed to add this comment.<P>From what I gather, based on this forum and a few brief e-mail exchanges, Indiana is an educator and a museum person and is the most qualified to offer guidance in the concept, design, planning and operation of a museum.<P>I on the other hand have NO museum experience. My input is based on a business and financial background as well as an education in the field of marketing. What I see is bad business planning and practices as well as poor money management in this AACA Museum. Further the people leading it lack the overall qualifications for the undertaking. Their intentions are honorable and idealistic, but the old saying goes, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."<P>I guess that about says it all from me. ~ Howard<BR>

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I wonder<BR>1.Does this world neen another auto museum?<BR>2.Does the AAca have the resources both financial and talent-wise, to do a first class job, that we all can be proud of?<BR>3.Will the project pull the club together or seperate it?<BR>4.When, and if the museum is completed will it be an asset or liability to the club?<BR>5.How does the rank and file really feel about the AACA.getting into the museum business?<BR>6.We already have a great club,will the museum make it even greater?<BR>7.Have we "crossed the Rubicon"or is there still a back door availible?<BR>8.Has the club been "force feed" the project?<BR>9.Museums come and go in proportion to the amount money and time availible to support them.What leads us to think that the AACA museum would be any different?<BR>10. After the building is completed,we still need a collection of cars to house in it.Will the museum be able to amass a collection of "museum quality"cars in a timely manor?A fine museum building with a mediocher collection of cars, would not be source of pride for the club. <P>These are just a few of the questions that come to mind,not oppinions or statments,just questions!!<BR>

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TRAINGUY: Yours is a very good analysis of the whole museum project. But will they listen?<P>I think the Rubicon has been crossed and they are halfway across the Styx. hvs said something about the road to hell and they appear to be in the boat making the final crossing.<P>CM

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Trainguy,<BR> The museum has already received donations of fifty vehicles and there is a storage building on the museum property where most are being stored. The Cammack organization has donated three Tuckers plus much additional material and made a financial commitment. MNBA has donated a number of vehicles including a 1941 Packard Clipper that appeals to me! They covered the entire expense of the fund raising dinner during Hershey week. Peter has posted pictures of many of the vehicles plus additional material on this website that you may find of interest. Go to the homepage and click on "Musuem".<BR>If I might attempt to summarize the main points made on this thread: #1 Endowment is essential to the ongoing self-sustaining operation of the museum; #2 The museum in order to survive must be more than a display of vehicles, it must have professionally trained staff, and an educational outreach to attract business investment. I believe that to date much of the support of this project has been volunteer. A significant contribution was recently made to the endowment; but it is still far short of the amount needed. I see this as a continuing long range project for AACA. We've made good progress in terms of the storage building, land acquisiton and vehicle collection; now we need to emphasize the endowment, professional staff, outreach programs, and corporate support. A trip of 1000 miles is taken one intersection at a time, otherwise we would never venture forth to anywhere. Why shouldn't the world's leading antique automobile organization have a world class museum to match its world class library? With qualified people advising us and membership support, we can do it!<P>jnp

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How many of you have visited the AACA website and clicked on the museum home page as suggested by John Packard? At this time there are 4 interesting headings among those listed on the museum pages.<P>#1 10/98 Update - There appear to have been no updates in over 2 years. Where is our money going?<P>#2 Museum Board - There are 15 names listed but 2 of them have resigned in protest during the past year. Nowhere are the offices and/or positions held by any of these people given. Who are these people and what are their qualifications? Who is in charge of what? Interestingly there are NO women on the board. Are there NO qualified women within the AACA membership who could benefit this project.<P>#3 History - Read the 2nd paragraph. This is just not true. It was the dream of William H. Smith and a few followers. The rest of the board appears to have been carried along with the tide. Paragraph 8 deals with the endowment. Is this current or is it as outdated as the 10/98 update? Will $250,000 do the job? Paragraph 9 is a key bit of information. "The AACA Museum, Inc. is directed by our Executive Director, Mr. William H. Smith.<P>#4 Many of the donated cars pictured do not appear to be of museum quality. They look like unwanted cars people have given away in order to get a tax writeoff.<P>So, if you really want to know what is going on, I guess you had better contact William H. Smith at AACA Headquarters. The buck seems to stop there.

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Hmmmm - Very interesting. Haven't been on-line for awhile - much has been said! But, I still find NO answer to the original question - How come the Museum Board is not elected? With all the great revelations by those who just discovered this forum and all the great communication that now is apparently being conveyed back and forth to "those that are in the know" - How come no one can answer the question: How come is there NO election by the membership of Museum Board Members???

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