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1966 Riviera to good home


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May She Rest in Peace. Casualty of Hurricane Isabel...I am in the process of moving and was planning to take the Riviera with me to begin her full restoration. Unfortunately, a giant oak got her before the truck came to move the cars. I would rather give her away to a BCA member or Riviera Enthusiast, than see her lost in a junk yard. Here are some basic car features: Bucket seats/console, power all, deluxe interior(black), cornering lights, 425 (thrown rod). Back seat in great condition, front seats are worn and need refinishing. Tree fell on back half of car. Doors to hood all in good condition. VA/NC car - no rust on front quarters, hood or doors. Will take a few weeks to get the trees off the house and clearing to pull the car out. I am sure there is info I have left out, so respond with questions. Anyone interested will have to come pick it up. Thanks for helping to keep a great Riviera from getting lost in a junkyard.

The car is located in Hampton, VA.

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