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Pictures taken by Dave Langdon @ Nationals?


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Wondering if Dave Langdon knows who owns the Hardtop SWG & Airstream he took a picutre of.

My dad and I recently aquired a 57 Century Caballero SWG and we are looking to communicate with someone who has one during our restoration process.

No one down south has heard of, much less seen a sw like ours.

Can you help us out Dave?

Any info would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Missy &D.L. (SC) [color:"purple"] <span style="font-weight: bold">Dave Langdon pictures @ Nationals</span>

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Missy, the '57 is owned by Dean and Linda Eldridge, BCA # 23473, friends of ours from Washington. They traveled from Seattle with the caravan of Buicks that arrived in Flint July 23rd, and stayed with us during the meet The Airstream is a 1959 model which they restored. I'm sure that they would be glad to help you with any information about your Buick that you might need.

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Missy, given the interest you expressed in converting your Caballero to a disc brake set up (on the v8buick forum), Dean & Linda would be a good resource for you. In contrast to the counsel you received on that forum, it is possible to upgrade the brakes while retaining the Buick nailhead engine, Dynaflow transmission, and torque tube set up as the Eldridges have done. This car is an excellent performer.

Please feel free to e-mail me at laurance@integrity.com, and I can pass your contact information along to the Eldridges.

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