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I am working on a project photographing pre-1960 cars/trucks that have been restored and are being used as a modern advertising tool. They could be advertising any current business. Please e-mail me if you know of any, anywhere in the US. I need precise location and business. Thank you

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Please do not take my comments as cynical, however, if you are asking for the names and addresses of collector car owners, you probably will strike out if the owner is intelligent.

I may be misinterpreting your intent here, however, most owners today watch their rear view mirrors very carefully when driving collector cars around, let alone when they they pull into a motel parking lot, or, their home driveway.

You may want to post some specifics. Your query/intent is somewhat vague.

Regards, Peter J.

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To add to Peter's post, you probably won't find too many people who will get on the internet and tell a total stranger exactly what they've got in their garages, where it is and how to get to it, while the rest of the world can get on this website and see what they're telling you. My advice is that you should change you're profile to include where you are so that we can direct you. If you left your profile blank, you either aren't looking to hear back from us, or you don't want everyone to know anything about YOU for the same reason that we don't want to tell you what's sitting in our garages and how to get to it.

In the meantime, my best suggestion for you is to get in contact with the local AACA chapter in your area, get to know these people, and I'm sure you'll find enough cars to take pictures of for quite a while. If you go back to the main page of this website, several of the chapters are already online, so it should be an easy thing for you.

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