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Ron, I had several disc's that were unrepairable so I just left them out and adjusted the tension  spring. For my light duty application it  still worked fine. I think I had 11 or 12 when it was reassebled.worked fine.

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Edited by mikewest (see edit history)
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Thanks Mike.  After rebuilding the engine (Wisconsin four cyl T head) in my truck it was too stiff to start by hand so I (mistakenly) figured I would have to pull-start the engine.  Problem was, pulling it around would not engage the engine sufficiently to get it to turn over.  Adjusting the spring nut didn't do any god so I thought there must be some kind of wear or damage inside the cultch.  It took all day to get the clutch out and disassembled.  All the discs seemed in perfect condition so at that point the light bulb over my head finally clicked on and I realized that in order for the clutch to operate, the driving force must be turning fast enough to create the necessary friction to engage the driven discs.  Now I have another fun day putting everything back together.  Oh well, at least I know the clutch is ok

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Ron I wantto add I started out using 10 # mot I r oil for fluid. The clutch dragged and bad it hard to shift even with the clutch brake adjusted per the book. I drained it out and added ATF. It worked better but still not like I wanted it.  I spoke with another owner who said I was using too much fluid. I drained it all out and added I qt. It worked good then. The clutch I used I'm sure was a truck application originally and was too heavy of a unit for a car. They are pretty scarce items. Good luck!

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