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New Phone - Forgot old AACA password

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I need to know my password that is associated with my account and user name to sign in from my new NOKIA cell phone (android).

I can get into the forums with my account and password which is "saved" in my computer, but I have been unable to unearth the password which the new device is requiring before it will let me comment.


How can I start using my cell phone with my existing user name?

Your solution will be appreciated. Thank you.

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Reseting a password that you have forgotten is a pretty good time to get yourself a password manager. There might be one built into your operating system or web browser already. Or you can use any number of independent password managers.


Why do you need a password manager? Because every log in you have needs to have a unique and long password which will be impossible for you to remember.


Why do you need unique passwords for every login? Because some the places you log into will get hacked. You won't know which one(s). And you won't know when. At least you won't know about it until long after the damage is done. There are laws and rules saying that corporations need to notify users if their information has been compromised but it turns out they often don't report it until some research calls them on it or until a fairly long time has gone by. You have no way to control how your password was stored in the hacked server so your only assumption is that your email and password are now in the hands of some bad actors. And those bad actors will try that password and email combination on just about every site in the world, especially banking and other financial sites. If you use one password, just a few passwords, or variations on a few passwords you are in the position to have some real problems including losing your money.


I am partial to KeePass because it is open source and as a retired software engineer I can read the code to assure that I trust it. If you aren't a software type you can take comfort in knowing that at least a few software savvy people will have looked it over and will have raised a ruckus if they had found a weakness. KeePass is cross platform and does not store your passwords in someone else's cloud so you are in total control (there have been some cloud based password managers which have been hacked).

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3 hours ago, ply33 said:

Reseting a password that you have forgotten is a pretty good time to get yourself a password manager. There might be one built into your operating system or web browser already. Or you can use any number of independent password managers...


Thank you for the password security suggestions and information. As a computer idiot, I was unaware of password managers and have been juggling too many for too long. I can't think of anything in my computer that would be useful to anyone else, but I certainly will look into the system you suggested, provided I can understand what they are trying to tell (or sell) me.

Thanks again...

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