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Senior Six introduction article I thought might interest any Senior car or truck owners.

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While doing research I found this and thought it was interesting and informative enough that someone might need it for something. I always think it's neat to see when new models of any Dodge Brothers car or truck when they were first introduced but I think it can turn into so much more if we pursue it.


If there was ever any doubt in my mind about the Senior engine being made by Continental, this articles removed that doubt.

Senior Six used Continental Automobile Trade Journal June 1 1927 - Vol XXXI No 12 .jpg

Senior Six used Continental 1.jpg

Senior Six used Continental 2.jpg

Senior Six used Continental 3.jpg

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I’ve attached Senior trucks articles stating some D series trucks clearly used the same engines as the passenger Senior Six cars (with some modifications). 

In my opinion this has always proved part of the reason for the serial to engine number inconsistency's in both the car and truck model charts. 

Another project I’m working on:

I also believe Victory and DA cars and trucks shared their engines in the same way the Senior car and trucks did. I’d still like to be able to see some illustrations side by side for quicker comparisons on some kind of chart or shared database on the club website so current owners can recognize the differences without digging thru countless publications so I decided to experiment. 

For the past few months I've been practicing with MS Publisher doing power points and other types of comparison layouts and hope to have something to share soon. 

Note the article is dated August 20th, 1927

Pay close attention to paragraph four.




Continental Motors.JPG

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I can hear what some of you are probably thinking right about now "Whats your point with all this Dave?".


I have several reasons for it, but one of my main points is that as these articles were released to some of the major publications of the era, the introduction of these new models (I believe) are much more important details than we previously assumed. I believe with the help of digital collections online we as researchers can put the pieces to this massive puzzle together in order for us to all see the picture more clearly somehow if we can focus more on the chronological dates and points of interest when things occured, without those dates we're all left in a state of "I don't know" as we fumble through notes to find the answers. Although it's a work in progress, I'm very, very hopeful for where this may lead and the answers that are sure to come. For now, a lot of it is still collecting dust on shelves, both physically and in the digital realm...



Note: Focus first on the cars with the senior 2249 then on the trucks with the 2249 engine. Both are mentioned in the above articles. 


Please, just take a second to let this sink in.

Yes, I know some of you guys know most of this, but a lot of guys don't.








As mentioned in the article, truck wheelbases were 114", 137", and 162" (all 2 tons as noted). When you look at it as a newbie for the first time it all looks so confusing and disorganized. My goal is to help everyone understand it somehow more efficiently without so much confusion. 


Ultimately I hope this ties in with other answers I've looked years for, but I don't want to get into that here as it's baseless theories to this point, still looking for solid primary source details.


Those are examples of just a few things I'm working on. Once I figure out how to clean it up and present it in a more orderly fashion without all my chicken scratch and notes, it should be easier to make better sense of.  Another reason driving me to this is, I really believe it's important for everyone in the Dodge Brothers and Graham Brothers communities (especially how they related to both car and trucks) to continue sharing vital information.


My layouts are different than what we see on the model charts that we're all so used to seeing. I'm only considering this project with the Senior, Victory and DA engines for now since they cover the 1928-1932 years. I realize the 4 clyinders and the DB6 are other engines that cars and trucks shared,  but for now I'm only focusing on these three (2249 Senior, Victory, DA). Once completed I hope to at least be able to see a clearer picture of why the frame/serial#'s and the engine# sequence is so jumbled. It will take a lot more work and data but it's something I'm convinced needs to be done. 


Thanks for taking the time and I'd appreciate much feedback and critiquing of any kind






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