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Dynaflow Trans


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Hello all,

i posted a couple of times about what to do about rebuilding a transmission. after talking to the guy that's rebuilding my engine, i decided it would be better to find somebody a little more knowledgable on dynaflows to actually do the rebuilding. well i had the worst time trying to find anybody to even touch it. the most reputable and "veteran" shops wouldn't even think twice about it and laugh when i mentioned what i had. if i had a dime for everytime i heard "whatever posessed you to go and restore an old buick with a dynasludge (interchangeable with dynaslow) transmission, boy?" i'd be a very rich man. one lead brought me to a very cool fellow in his 80's who was very familiar with dynaflows and more specifically 53 buicks. i thought i hit gold, but unfortunately (for him, more than me) he told me had lost a lot of feeling in his fingers and didn't feel he could accomplish the task. he had long since retired also. so i searched every shop i could and i finally was given a suggestion to Jack Smith Transmission in Spartanburg, SC. i called them up. told them what i had. very nice people. no laugh, no "what the hell..." just simply "yes, we can rebuild that for you" i told Lance twice what i had to make sure. he told me, "oh yeah, i remember these. no problem - we know these very well"

i drove my dynaflow off my '53 super to him about a 3 weeks ago and he called me late last week to let me know they had finished rebuilding it. the name of the place is Jack Smith Transmission. (864) 585-9266 i think he was a NASCAR guy in the 50's and 60's. anyways Lance is his brother and that's who i've been dealing with. very honest and super great people to work with. i'll post updates when i give the dynaslow a run.

hope this helps,


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Wonder if they can do anything with an Olds SlimJim or Jetaway HydraMatic? I get the same thing from tranny shops when I ask about those.

Like the pic, Will- SCOTS is a favorite! "It don't matter if your pants are shiny..." <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" /> I'll assume you're also familiar with Squirrel Nut Zippers and Let's Active? How about Fetchin' Bones and Don Dixon? <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif" alt="" />

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hey rocketraider,

i would totally give 'em a try. for me it was like a fresh drink of cold water in the desert. if you get in touch with Lance, tell em i sent ya.

"if your d*ck is big or your d*ck is tiny!" heck yeah.

S.C.O.T.S. are awesome. i've seen them a billion times and they are just great to see. throwing fried chicken out in the crowd. i first saw them a while back in Savannah at a great place called the Velvet Elvis.

they are playing some shows with Reverend Horton Heat out West, i was thinking about driving out there but it looks like i'll have to pass on that.

i love Squirrel Nut Zippers. haven't heard of fetchin' bones. i'll check them out!

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