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1965 Front Drum info needed


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I need some help from anyone with a 1965 Buick with the front 12-inch finned aluminum drums. How many fins are on your drums?<BR>In 1964, the drums had 45 fins, spaced one inch apart. In 1966, they had 90 fins, spaced 1/2-inch apart. I need to know if Buick changed them in '65 or '66.<BR>I need the info for a magazine article I'm doing. <BR>Thank you very much for your help,<BR>-Brad Ocock

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Thanks to Sean the tech advisor, who came up with the number of fins for '65 Buicks--45.<BR>For those keeping score:<BR>Buick aluminum drums between 1958 and 1965 have 45 fins. From 1966 through 1969 (and possibly into 1970) the drums carried 90 fins.<BR>-Brad

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