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23 Dodge hood. truck conversion


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I am about to make a new hood for this truck, which was converted from a tourer. It was never finished, and some of the work was never done properly. The frames for my hood have now been stripped but there is a problem. If the hood is folded back, it covers 1/2 the seat. If you look at the picture, you can see what I am getting at. Pictures of roadsters show that the frame must be different. Can anyone please show me what a roadster hood frame looks like, and how it is supposed to fold up. I have no idea what I have here, and no idea where the nearest roadster is.  The only wooden bows I got with the car are the front one [ which doesn't look like it will fit above the screen effectively ] and the rear one which holds up the rear glass screen. Looks like there is supposed to be a middle one but that must have rotted away. Not sure what the bracket with the 2 holes in it is supposed to do. Both wooden bows I have need to be remade as they are broken and partially rotten.

The frame around the back of my seat seems a bit too flimsy to cope with the stress the hood may put on it so I may have to put a backboard on the tray and make a nice job of contouring the edges. I am thinking of making it so the hood can be removed from the body easily.20220727_133049.jpg.6f9ccd09f10941b857ccfc947ec38830.jpg

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First off there probably is a terminology problem.  What you are referring to is a top and the metal pieces are irons with the bows being fitting in the sockets at the end of the irons.  You look like your windshield frame is homemade and not designed to be used with a roadster top..  I have a screen side pickup so any pictures I would take would be wrong.  You would be better off finding a roadster/touring windshield and the correct bows and irons.   Rember that the top is tacked to a tack rail which is on top/behind rear seat which creates another problem because you do not have one.  You mentioned that you want the top removal which is call a California top which is a different problem for you

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Many thanks for your reply Jan


It still has the original steel side frames with the prongs for attaching the "hood" in place [ very strong ]. You can see them in the picture [ the rope is hooked around it ]. The 2 piece screen has been replaced by a single screen in the wooden frame.

I agree about the terminology problem. We call them hoods here in NZ. What you call a hood is called a bonnet here.


I want the folding hood, and have added a cantilever to attach that horizontal " iron" so it folds back behind the seat.   I do need to reinforce the back of the seat [ tack rail ] so still pondering that. I'm thinking of adding a head board for the tray which will reinforce the seat back. I figured if I do that then I can fit the wooden frame for the back of the "hood" canvas in such a way that two bolts hold it down [ removeable tack rail ]. Hence being able to remove the assembly easily. The hood and seat problem has been a jigsaw, but its getting there. 

Got word yesterday that the cam has been reground. Hopefully i can get the  engine short block  back soon.

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