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86 delta 88 wont turn over


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for whatever reason the engine on my delta 88 wont turn over, i need suggestions please, it has gas, oil and transmission levels are fine too

any ideas?

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There are several possible reasons and having a voltmeter is handy to track them down. 1. Battery somewhere near 12 volts? If so, does it drop significantly when you turn the key? If so, its at least undercharged if not worn out 2. Battery connections clean? 3. Starter connections clean? 4. starter solenoid switching 12 volts to starter? 5. Ignition switch providing solenoid with voltage?

All this assumes the engine essentially does nothing when you turn the key, which is what I mean by "not turning over". If it is in fact turning over but not starting, there is an entirely differnt list of things to check! Hope this helps.

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i actually had the second problem where it "turns over" but just doesnt start, could that be spark plugs (spark plugs were kind of old) or what?

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You can check to see if the plugs are getting fire. The way I do it, is to pull a plug and then reconnect the plug wire. Ground the plug to the engine block and crank the engine. You should see a spark. Do this in a shady or some what dark area, easier to see the spark. Make sure the plug is properly grounded - I made a grounding cable from a piece of wire with aligator clips on both ends. No spark? then it's probably in the distributor coil. Try another coil if it still doesn't work, perhaps the ignition module (little white curved thing inside the distributor.

If on the spark test, you get a nice spark, then it might be timing. Bump the engine with # 1 spark plug off with a rag around your thumb and it over the spark plug hole. On the compresion stroke, you'll feel the pressure push against your thumb. Then check the position of the rotor in the distributor in relationship to the #1 spark plug wire. It should be very close, if not your engine is out of time.


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Also, check your fuel delivery. The easiest and fastest way to do this is look down the carb bores and hand work the throttle linkage to wide open. You should see a spray of gas shoot down the front two (primaries) bores. If it isn't doing that, disconnect the the fuel line at the carb and crank. If your gas pump is working, there will be a spurt of gas (have a rag under it to catch that. No gas? Bad fuel pump. BTW, make sure the plug is not sitting on the engine block making sparks when you do this.

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