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doorlock removal


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Hi,<P>My doorlock is malfunctioning. I have a spare doorlock which I would like to replace.<BR>I wonder how to remove the window-handle on the inner side of the door. Anybody has done this before?<P>thanks a lot<BR>Gie

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Guest John Chapman

Gie,<P>I don't recall your excact car, but seems it's a '60 era Buick.<P>Window cranks and lever-type door handles are held on with a 'C' shaped spring clamp that goes thru slots on the back of the handle and engage a slot in the crank/lock shaft. This is a common method used on US, Asian and European cars. I know the VW bug used the system as did many Volvos.<P>The best way to release these clips is with a tool made for the job and avialable at almost any decent parts supply store. With luck, you'll find one for about US$5. It is flat so it can slide behind the handle and estruchion and is cut to engage the clip to push the clip off and back on. While at the parts store, ask them to show you the clip, and it will quickly become apparent how the system works. See a picture of one of these tools...(it's the one in the center) at:<BR> <A HREF="http://www.eastwoodco.com/cgi-bin/sgin0101.exe?T1=52021&UID=2001042512284087&UREQA=1&FNM=20" TARGET=_blank>http://www.eastwoodco.com/cgi-bin/sgin0101.exe?T1=52021&UID=2001042512284087&UREQA=1&FNM=20</A> <P>Good luck!<P>John

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