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"Tornado" fuel efficiency effectiveness

Guest barra

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I would be interested to see if anyone has really used this product. I seem to remember a post a short while ago from someone that had done so. I guess I have a hard time understanding how this could possibly work in our application. The purpose seems to be to induce turbulence in the air stream, which isn't a bad thing in itself, but the entry to our MAF has a honeycomb ahead of the sensor and air passage that will straighten it right back out. Our MAF doesn't read the entire air flow, but it infers the total flow by measuring a portion of it through a second passage and I believe it needs smooth laminar flow to operate properly. If it could be installed between the MAF and the throttle body, turbulent flow "should" be able to turn the corner better into the intake ports, particularly the ones closest to the throttle.

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I bought one for my Blazer. 4.3 WHAT A SCAM ,NO added power no better fuel

economy.DON'T throw yor $ away.I you want to be taken to the cleaners,take

your Reatta and some dirty clothes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest imported_barra

Thank you for the good advice. I never knew that there were so many knowledgeable people who willingly shared their time and efforts. I am most gratefull.

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