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****THANK YOU****


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New Years Eve I finally got enough courage to attempt changing out the ECM still trying to retify the driveability problem (intermittant missing) on my 90 coupe. I have completed 4 extended road tests without incident, and would like to thank those who have put up with my crying over the last 6 to 7 months. The ECM was the last and most intimidating component to try and of course was the problem (I hope). I just hope I am not jumping the gun here, but the car now runs like it is supposed to - GREAT ! I am in a world of debt to : Robert (EDBSO), Barney, Hal (2 Seater), Greg Ross, Padgett, Earnie King (Shop Foreman of Royal Oldsmobile in Richmond, Va.), and to the others that have contributed but not mentioned. Thank you again gentlemen.......


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