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Marvel Mystery Oil


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Does anyone know if using marvel mystery oil, mixed into gasoline, is safe on todays vehicles? I would like to use it as I do in my classic cars, but I am unsure if it will cause problems with oxygen sensors, catalytic converters, etc.I have contacted Turtle wax, the makers of this product, but have not gotten any response from them.I know there is a lot of knowledge people out there, and wonder if someone might have an answer.I have a 97 Chevy Tahoe with a 350 vortex engine. thanks



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My question to you is: why do you think it is necessary??

The engines of today will run 200,000 miles with proper maintenance, and the lubrication systems are so far superior to the old engines, that My personal opinion is that you would be wasting your money, and possibly fouling up a sensor or two.The older engines with open breathers and oil filters that did not filter all the oil left much to be desired, but the engineers have really done their homework.

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Guest imported_JPIndusi

Let the Old Guy be your guide on this and most other questions. The Lincoln Towncars in the limousine service get 200,000 to 300,000 miles and they basically just change the oil and filter every 3,000 miles. With the oils of today and the engine lube systems you don't need anything else. That's my two cents.


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I will add another "worry factor", why take the chance on fouling up an injector nozzle or two? The risks, in my opinion outweigh the benefits in a late model engine. The various sensors, fuel delivery, and emission control devices in these late model vehicles are not cheap, why take a chance on damaging them by adding a "contaminant" to the fuel system that these devices were not designed to handle?

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Thanks to those of you who answered my question. I guess the reason I felt it may benefit my system is I had a continually reoccuring check engine light comming on and off. A scan tool showed a P-1406 code, and a problem with the EGR valve pintle position circuit. Well, after finding out that a new valve was over one hundred bucks, I decided what would it hurt to pull out the old one and check it out. Lo and behold, there was a carbon build-up inside. After swabbing with various solvents, (even GM top engine cleaner), marvel mystery oil was the only thing that disolved the carbon. The valve cleaned up rather good, the pintle pin moved smoothly, and after reinstalling the valve, the check engine light stayed off.

My main thought was if mystery oil was added periodically to the gas, it may help reduce carbon build-up within various components, keep things lubricated, and maybe even keep injectors clean. It was all "JUST A THOUGHT" but I'll heed everyones advice unless I here different. I appreciate all the time everyone took to clear up my question. I knew I could rely on you's. To all out there in classic car land, have a happy and healthy NEW YEAR !!!!

Tom G


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have used MMO several times in seized blocks with mixed results, but for use in lubrication of air tools I swear by it....plus it just smells soo good.

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I see the guys before me didn't answer your question <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />, I am a service advisor for a Buick dealership, so, to answer your question anonymous man....... Marvel mystery oil WILL NOT harm your newer engine at all, in fact, it will help it, by keeping it clean and helping burn out deposits.....you found out yourself! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" /> Nearly all my mechanics use it, as do I, every other fill up! I put 4 ounces in per tank full. It will not cause damage to the injectors, sensors, converters, etc. Use it, go ahead it's good for it!! <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> You buy it anyway,....why not put some in your newer engine??? <img src="http://www.aaca.org/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" /> Now,....any other questions? Have a great day and Happy Motoring!

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I once had a breakdown of the ingredients in most of the additives on the market.I think if you were ever to sue one of these suppliers,they would prove there is nothing in them that could harm your engine.It works VERY well in the old Rolls-Royce with exposed valve mechanism

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In my 25 year experience with the used car buisness, Marvel Mystery oil is by far the best product I have ever used to suppliment oil.It cleans and super lubricates like magic. I don't know what's in it.All I know is that when i put it in any car with a fresh oil & filter it REALLY seems to improve the smoothness and performance. It's good in the tank too. For a quicker roughness fix(assuming it's just gooed up) try a can or two of Berryman's chem tool in the tank. Mitch.

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