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EARLY hardback automotive books

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Found a few more antique automotive books in storage... these are "hundred-year-old" hardbound textbooks that show many in-depth details about how cars of the period were constructed and operated. I didn't look, but considering the dates, I bet many things are relevant to late 19-'teens cars as well as the early 1920's. Actually, one on the list WAS written during the 'teens and goes back to a 1913 copyright, so might possibly be relevant nearly all the way back to the beginning of automotive technology. 

Great books! Very rare to find 96- to 107-year old automotive technical books now...


--"I.C.S. Reference Library", (International Textbook Co.), copyrights from 1913-1918. (about 750 pages)

--"Automobile Transmission, Mechanism, Lubrication, and Tires", Internat'l Library of Technology (Internat'l Textbook Co.), 1924 (about 450 pages)

--"Automobile Operation and Repair" (same publisher as above), 1924 (about 450 pages)

--"Gasoline Automobiles" (same publisher as above), 1924 (about 450 pages)

--"The Gasoline Automobile", Elliott/Consoliver (McGraw-Hill), 1924, (513 pages)


These tended to be hardbound collections of automotive technical correspondence school literature back then. THIS is where you learn how to work on those really old antique cars... just like the mechanics of the day.

The dates shown above were the actual print dates of these hardbound books.


One more book:

"Doings In General" Vol. 2, 1926 (about 450 pages), collected reprints of the monthly magazine published by employees of the General Petroleum Corporation. Not much tech, but cool old photos and perhaps some historical insights.


I probably paid $35/each for these, 25 years ago.... or around $200. I am offering all 6 books for $65 plus mail.


If interested, please e-mail me direct at blown394olds@yahoo.com as I do not really use the PM system here. Thanks!




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