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On a Quest


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Hi folks!  Am new on this site.  I found this photo of my grandmother and mother, who were from Sofia, Bulgaria.  This was my grandfather's car that my mother is sitting on - I believe a 1936 Airstream but please correct me if I'm wrong.  The photo would have been taken sometime between late 1938 and early 1939. My grandparents' property was seized by the Nazis in the period between 1942 and 1943, which is when they left Bulgaria. There are a number of possibilities of what could have happened to this car - taken back to Germany when the Germans lost the war, seized by the Communists when they invaded Bulgaria, exported back to America by the American ambassador at the time, or who knows?  I was wondering if anyone has ever come across this car or might possibly know of its present or previous whereabouts or is in touch with any Airstream enthusiasts from Europe who may have some clues?  Thanks so much for any information you may be able to share.


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