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[from the BBC international news desk in London:]

A mystery man, allegedly an American, has been credited with putting together the international deal which forced Saddam Hussein to allow UN inspectors back into Iraq without conditions. The American, according to inside reports, left his home in the United States last week, supposedly on vacation. Instead, he was spirited to the mid-East via a Stealth jet where he met with top US, UN and Iraqi officials to hammer out the deal. "Unquestionably," said an unnamed UN official, "the Yank was the lynchpin to this deal. He's one tough negotiator, and we're happy to give him the credit."

The BBC has been unable to identify the operative, although CNN reports receiving confidential information claiming a partial codename of EDSO. The clandestine operation, the BBC has learned, was codenamed Project Reatta. No further details were available.

copyright 2002 by the British Broadcasting System

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'Fraid not, Hank. Coincidentally, we're leaving Thursday to attend my 50th high school reunion. Born/raised in San Francisco, but my parents retired at the end of WWII, moving to Oregon. Class of '52: pre-Elvis; pre-drugs. Not a bad time to be growing up....


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