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Need help with an electro-mechanical clock in 1954 Cadillac


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The clock has run for years, but just recently in began to make a stuttering sound. It is out now and I have been on it for days so I'm reasonably familiar with it. The lever that spans the two coils that also has the main spring winding pawl on it should recock every few minutes when the contacts touch. Instead it continues to go back and forth not staying reset. I have two of these clocks. My most presentable one and another but they both do the same thing. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Jim

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My vehicles use a 1930's vintage Seth Thomas Electro mechanical clock. The issue with them is that the contacts get dirty (more like burned due to a lack of condenser) and when the arm swings down over the coils, the dirty contacts either don't make a connection and its stuck or insufficient current goes to the coils to fully swing the arm up. Use fine (600 grit) sandpaper or emery cloth against the contacts. Also check to make sure the clock is supplied with ample voltage AND current. Check the connections are tight.

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