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The only difference between a National (i.e. Hershey) and a Grand National:

At a Grand National:

1-Chief Judge: Senior Master Judge

Judging Team: All Master Judges.

2-Point Spread for each level of award is 10 points within the top scoring vehicle at Nationals. At a Grand National, the point spread is reduced to 5 points.

Regards, Peter J.

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Hi, Mike. That is correct.

Paragraph 1 of the Judging Manual indicates "Entrants are limited to those vehicles that have acquired Senior Award Winner status in any year prior to the year of the AGNM.

Let's keep in touch on Buffalo. If I am still kicking, I plan on attending.

See you at Cliff's.

Peter J. smile.gif

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Thanks for your reply on the judging at the AGNM. My next question is that I see in your reply that you are talking about a AGNM in Buffalo N.Y. Is this correct. Is there going to be a grand national meet in Buffalo N.Y. wink.gif

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