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Operation Power Antenna Successful


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The long awaited installation of my power was today and I am happy to say successful. All in all it was "relatively" painless. As usual with any project that one does, you see where you could streamline the process or do things differently if you did it over. There was a lot of learning that went on (so that's how they did that) and that is one of the things that is so rewarding. 


We did have a couple of anxious moments. We removed the glove box liner for a little easier access to everything. After we reinstalled it we closed the glovebox door and then could not get the door open again. Push the button, the door popped up but, would not release. We were beside ourselves as we saw no reason why it would not release and saw no way to get in there to access the problem. After a long period of brainstorming and attempts to get it open we were stumped. For some reason I tried it one more time and it opened. Once open we could see that the problem was that a screw to hold the glove box liner in place was too long and was trapping the wire latch on the door in place even though the lock mechanism had released it. The other anxious moment was when I was testing running the antenna mast up and down. I did not realize how long this mast is! I was running it up with the intention of putting it up all of the way. It is a good thing we both were paying attention as it went up and hit the overhead garage door, curved and tried to keep on going sideways. Fortunately no damage. The only casualty was a plastic wire connector that I had in my pocket and is still missing in action even after clean-up. Luckily I had another one. 


I have attached some pictures that might be of interest showing some different items. Including the often described but, rarely seen dash clips. One of the most interesting discoveries we made was two sets of the number 522 that were used on the assembly line I assume to make sure that the correct dash pad was placed in the correct car body. I also got to see the assembly date of my dash cluster, April 11, 1963 which jives with the May 1963 assembly of my car. 


If anyone has any questions I would be happy to answer them.





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My antenna is stuck, raised about 3". I am not looking forward to dealing with that thing.


I pulled the gas tank from my 64 a couple weeks ago, and had the number "14" written on the top. Same yellow color paint, and same kind of writing actually. I love finding things like that.


I was at a pick-a-part yard several months ago, and found a dash panel from a 75 Eldorado. On the back of it, was a large frowning face written in that same kind of paint marker.

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12 minutes ago, jsgun said:

My antenna is stuck, raised about 3". I am not looking forward to dealing with that thing.


I pulled the gas tank from my 64 a couple weeks ago, and had the number "14" written on the top. Same yellow color paint, and same kind of writing actually. I love finding things like that.


I was at a pick-a-part yard several months ago, and found a dash panel from a 75 Eldorado. On the back of it, was a large frowning face written in that same kind of paint marker.


I love finding those things as well. Getting just the antenna out is pretty easy. Send it out to Barney Eaton. He will get it running like new at a very reasonable price and has a quick turnaround. At least he did with me. He might be a little busier now. 



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