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Is my car worth anything???


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I have an 83 Hurst/Olds, and the guy who had it before me changed what i belive was the oil filter, and it somehow screwed up the whole engine so bad that the car wouldn't run, so he wrote a letter to GM (which i have) stating that it got messed up, so GM gave him a check for some money to go find a new engine, so he found another 307 to put in there, so my question is, is my car worth anything since it doesn't have the original eninge, even though i have the letter stating that it was a mechanical problem that messed it up and got money for another motor from GM<BR>Jim<P>83 Hust/olds 15th ann. edition

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Don't despair! It may not be worth quite as much as one with its correct engine but its still a worthwhile car. It's certainly worth more than a '83 Cutlass. It would even be a great canidate for a 350 or 403 transplant It has many special features to make it a H/O which a change of engine didn't take away. Enjoy it! Henry.

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Jim, young friend- you have a 15th Anniversary Hurst/Olds and you have paper backing up what happened. Nuff said. <P>Try to not get hung up on the car's value, otherwise you'll never enjoy it- I know too many people who have never loved an old car for worrying about whether they'd make money on it, and passed up interesting cars because they weren't the most popular thing at the time.<P>Done properly, it's hard to tell if a 350-403 has been swapped into a G-body Cutlass if you decide to go that route for a little Import Surprise, and you'll sound like a car instead of a weedeater on crack.<P>Two places to check out are the G-Body webring which I think the OCA site still links to, and <A HREF="http://www.hurstolds.com-" TARGET=_blank>www.hurstolds.com-</A> the Hurst/Olds Club website.<P>Enjoy yer Hurst! It's what they were made for!

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Try an ad on 442.com. Or join the Hurst/Olds club, somebody in there will have one. <P>Tops and Trends in Kernersville NC can probably supply one very similar to the original, as they installed them and the hood scoops on the Cutlass GT conversions they made for the NC Olds sales zone. They still have enough stuff that they refurbish a couple of GTs a year.<P>Here's an idea. Yank the 307 and save it for the day you decide on an originally restored car. Then go find a 350 or 403 and build the snot out of it and have fun. You won't be the first to do that with an 80s Hurst. They were woefully underpowered for the name they carried.

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I love the car, it's my first car. the reason i asked if the car was worth anything is because if it is, then i'll leave the 307 in there and do some mods to it, but if it's not, then i'm gonna go out and find the biggest engine i can possibly fit into it, and also i do have a question for anyone who can asnwer it. Does anyone know where i can find an original spoiler for my car?<BR>Thanks<BR>Jim

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am getting ready to restore my olds and seriously thinking of putting the 307 in the corner of the garage and dropping a 350 or 403 in it.

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