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Funny you should mention that Larry. That was my idea originally until wife heard of my plan and she put up such a stink I couldn't reason with her no matter what I tried. To hear her I was about to create another Chernobyl ! So I just gave up and want to impact her checkbook rather than the environment.


Howard Dennis 

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1 hour ago, Larry Schramm said:

Some things are more difficult than others.

I can see you don't know my wife. I couldn't come up with any way of disposing of the leftover water that she could live with. Some people are lucky enough to have an understanding spouse who actually likes this hobby. I'm not one of them.


Howard Dennis

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11 minutes ago, Digger914 said:

To get a good tan dye and avoid another Chernobyl, go natural and use coffee or tea. Soak and dry to desired shade, tea will give a good tan, coffee will be a bit more brown.

Digger914, Thanks for posting that, I just might be able to get that one past her. Really appreciate the help


Howard Dennis

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