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When start sundym/ tinted glasses in classic/ vintage cars


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I would like to know about  what year start the sundym glasses in the classic / vintage cars. 


I'm talking about the light green glasses, like the ones used by Jaguar from the 60's, as an option,  not the really dark glasses. 


Also would like to know if any car in from the 30's were equipped with this sundym or light tinted glasses.


Thank you for any info. 






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On 18 de agosto de 2016 at 7:08 PM, 8E45E said:

Studebaker offered 'Solex' tinted glass from 1952 as an option.  The glass was manufactured by Pittsburg Plate Glass (PPG Industries).


Triplex Glass in England registered the 'Sundym' trademark in 1955: https://trademarks.justia.com/716/60/triplex-sundym-71660459.html



Hi Craig 


Thank you very much for the information 



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