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The Great American Race?


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Is today the day?

I used to know weeks in advance, but it's been 20 years since I lived on the route and could watch all the brass nosed buggies go by from my front porch.

Had to go around a Whippet? today, of course I waved as I went past, wishing I had my camera with and wondering who in my neighborhood had one of those.

On my way home I had to shade my eyes from the glare of a half dozen more shinny brass radiators, again wishing I'd had a camera with me.

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Great American Race is usually held in June.  This year it was June 18-26.  Must have been an old car outing or rally you saw which is still very exciting to see especially with brass era cars.


The 2017 Great American Race is June 24 to July 2 beginning in Jacksonville FL and ending inTraverse City MI.



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