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A 1929 Model A Woody Wagon in the same family for over 45 years back on the road !


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Sometimes ... 

I take a chance & everything turns out great ....:-) 

I picked up a 1929 Model A 150 Woody wagon a few weeks ago from Job in Guilford, CT. 

He had been following me for years on one of the Ford Forums I belong to & decided when the time came

to move cross country he would give me a call. 

When I pulled up to load out - the first thing Job's wife did was invite me to dinner. 

I loaded up the Woody & a Subaru wagon along with some vinyl green house framing which filled up the trailer. 

Then we sat down to dinner. 

Home made tacos that were just delicious ... :-) 

I learned over dinner about the Woody's history. 

This Woody Wagon had significant family value. 

It had been in the family for over 45 years. 

35 years with Job's sister - 10 plus years with Job. 

When he got it - the wagon body was severely rotted & covered over with plywood - the engine was full of water & the block had cracked. 

Job - bought a used engine & then spent years doing a frame off amateur restoration. 

About (5) years ago he had it running - then it quit. 

It had electrical issues. 

I thanked them & was off on the road. 

I had a Stanley Steamer engine to drop off near Philadelphia, PA at my good friend Louis Mandich who owns Last Chance Garage. 

The last few miles to Louie's place always give me peaceful contemplation about Life in general - I very much enjoy being able to see him. 

I got there early before he opened on a Monday morning. 

I unloaded the engine - Lou arrived - I had a thought. 

I asked Lou to look at the Model A Woody to see if he could figure out why it did not run ... 

Fred - one of his crackerjack mechanics - spent some time while I was there. 

The news was not good - all the wiring needed to be straightened out - it was a " Fuster Cluck ". 

So - I made the call to get it running. 

It seemed the right thing to do. 

Well .... 

It cost more than Lou & I both thought but when I arrived yesterday in Hadlock, WA it was running like a Swiss Watch .... :-) 

Kris was there to meet me - Job's son. 




And I was treated to another family dinner courtesy of Kris & his lovely wife. 

Job was both ecstatic & grateful about my gift to the family in getting the car running. 

He could not believe someone would do something so generous. 

But - going thru Life it is appropriate to " Give Back " on occasion. 

Well - back to driving .... :-) 



Edited by Trulyvintage (see edit history)
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