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Heat Shield finish


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Now that I am back in the swing of working on the car, the next question has arisen. What was the finish used on the heat shields that go between the manifold and the carburetor on 1930 Chryslers? The one I have had so much gunk and rust on it there was no sign of an original finish. In the meantime I cleaned it down to bare metal prepped it and primed it. Down here if you don't finish bare metal it'll be rust by morning, I figure I can always strip the primer if it shouldn't be painted.<P>Rich

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Rich ~ It was probably galvanized when it was new. You might be able to find a shop that can galvanize it, but with all of the EPA regulations most platers have stopped galvanizing. If it is not subject to extreme heat you might get by with painting it dull aluminum which looks like cadmium plating and is accepted by AACA judging for the finish on wheels which were originally cadmium/galvanized.<P>Just my thoughts. ~ hvs

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Rich: <P>Let me tag onto what Howard mentioned. Very true that galvanizers are almost as extinct as foundries are becoming.<P>My thoughts:<P>1. To avoid a high price of a special 2 piece run, call around to a galvanizer and ask what the cost would be if they could put your shields onto some customer's production run while it is being processed. Who knows. You may find a friendly company that would agree to it. Same goes for the following...<P>2. Investigate if the original finish was Hot-dipped galvanize (results are very ugly finish, but, functional. Usually you will see pipe fittings in Hot-dip at a hardware store, for example.) Be careful, as Hot-dip ain't going to come off with paint stripper!!<P>3. Look into "E-Coating" which is an electrolysis process. Finish is nice and smooth with a good texture, and, will protect very well. It will also withstand "heat" for the your application. Simulated Cadmium Paint will not hold up from what I know.<P>Regards, Peter J. wink.gif" border="0<p>[ 03-21-2002: Message edited by: Peter J Heizmann ]

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