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Complete Front Bumper and grill incl mustache bar for 1954


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I recently purchased some parts from a 60 year old gentleman in Minnesota who pulled them back probably in the 60's from a car on a farm that the owner was sending to the junk yard. He has been storing them ever since. I had to pass on buying the bigger stuff ie the front bumper and grill due to shipping. They are from a small body but the grill, mustache bar (except for side extensions) and bumper guards will interchange with large body.

If anyone can arrange to pick these up I think they could be had for a good price, probably well south of $200. They will definitely need rechroming but the grill would make great wall art as it is.

Email me for contact info at 1954buick at gmail dot com

here are the pics he provided .









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Mr. Earl, your post brings to mind a glitch with my '54 76R that makes me gnash my teeth: I bought it (in 1999, sight unseen, on the basis of an appraiser's report) with a fortune in excellent replating already done, but in the replating process some knucklehead ground out the crease in the center of the bumper bar and grille mustache. While it's an elegant detail, I'm wondering if the crease is too subtle to survive re-plating should I try again with unrestored items. Has anyone had any luck on this, or do I just need to get a life?

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Buickborn, your experience is precisely why I love my originals. Apparently it it is very difficult to replate parts without the plating leveling out crown points or filling in low points. I keep a constant eye out for nice condition original chrome parts and when found, swap them out for any poorer condition parts on my cars. So I am not an authority on what can be done with replating, perhaps some chrome shops are better at it than others?

These bumper and grill parts can be had for $100. If no one close enough to pick them up wants them, I'll be paying to have them shipped by Greyhound to Buick Gardens.

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Mr. Earl, I might be tempted by the parts you've posted, but my 76R is (like some of my old girlfriends) the big-body model -- which means that the bumper, at least, wouldn't fit (fit the car, that is. I'm not so sure about about the girls). By the way, concerning preserving details during replating, I've had excellent results with a top-notch plating shop in Sacramento CA (Sherm's Custom Plating) in connection with a '41 Cadillac I partially restored a few years back. But I'm not sure whether even the best shop can preserve a detail as subtle as that '54 mustache/bumper crease.

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