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30 Chrysler 77 body colors


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I've been working on the car, and as I've been removing things it appears that the oldest, and apparently original colors on the body were black and a shade of blue (presumably Cobalt blue). This color scheme is listed for the 1930 Chrysler 77's, but not for the Roadster body style. Would it be possible this is in fact the original color scheme even though it isn't listed as such? Would it matter that the car was a Canadian rather than US car? If I repainted the apparently original scheme even though it is not listed, what sort of show point reductions would be incurred?<P>Thanks,

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On the Plymouth line, Chrysler had a policy of allowing any "standard" color scheme to be used on another body style. The car had to be "special ordered" at an extra cost for this. I suspect that this was a corporate wide policy rather than just a Plymouth policy.<P>I believe, but am not sure, that the Plymouth Owner's Club judging allows for any color scheme of the year to be used on any body style for cars of that era. Basically acknowledging that the cars could have been "special ordered" with any color scheme.<p>[ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: ply33 ]

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