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Questions on frame alignment

Bill Stoneberg

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While looking at my fram today, I was noticing that it looked like one wheel was out further from the frame than the other. I took a tape and it was appx 1 inch off.<BR>I then measured everything in site and it was all even.<BR>So looking at the rear end and all it associated torsion bars, I was wondering if it was off because I dont have the body on the wagon ?<BR>My thoughts were that as the body want back on it would weight the coil springs and push the torsion bar to the short wheel side. Thet would push my wheel out and basically even them up.<BR>Does this make sense ? I have 2 coil springs and a torsion bar that is connected between the upper frame and the differential. The short end is at the side where the torsion bar connects to the differential.<BR>I dont see how I could move the wheel over, everything looks correct.<BR>Any opinions or comments ?<BR>Bill

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