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My 1932 Pierce Arrow 54 Broughm Coupe; side mount question


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When we were at the Stan Hywett concours, Ed Minnie commented that my car's metal sidemount covers were missing the inside braces that keep the covers locked on.

He said that were at least two styles of inside braces but he did not have pictures of them to send me.

It would be great if other 1932 PA owner's could take a look at their sidemounts and share a photo or two of the braces. Ed said the braces would not be hard to manufacture.

Any help appreciated.

Tom Wallace, Dayton, OH



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I closely examined the inside of the spare tire covers. I did find a couple spots where a brace could be bolted to. There is a single hole in the front of the cover and a hole with hook in the rear of the cover.

Maybe a brace for a tire cover was easily lost or perhaps cumbersome. I include a couple photos.

Tom Wallace, Dayton, OHpost-31807-143142814745_thumb.jpeg


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