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eliminate 3rd brush on buick d 45


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On a recent tour our ground brushes on the dynastart failed to pay the rent. On rhd this means removal of the unit as the rhd steering box prevents axcess. While the unit was on the bench and brushes renewed for start and generator it was decided to eliminate the 3rd brush and ground that end of the gen field coil/Then with a suitable mounting plate fixed to the top cover were the coil originally fit a lucas RB 340 current voltage regulator was installed with the F terminal going to the field terminal at the hot end and the D terminal connected to the D + brush terminal An indicator of charge light was put between D+ and B and a press button starter switch was put between B+ and D+ which are common with the field circuit internally within the RB340 before the motor is started .The reason for this press button is to motor the unit from rest to allow engagement with the ring gear on the flywheel should the tooth not be in engageing position at rest as soon. As this is achieved the button is released. We have been running this job at 12 volts for 6 years with the 3rd brush cut right back and a further resistance in the field to limit the amps to 5/7 constant at touring speed Now we have the volts initially @ 13.7 and the amps produced at 15 initially cutting back to just cover the ign draw in a few minutes as the battery recharges to cover the start draw. There is no back charge at a slow speed due to the system now having a cutout in the RB340. Max Burke Nulkaba 2325 Australia

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