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SW Meets

Terry Bond

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For Bill, I would sure like another excust to get back to Texas - the Natl Meet in Paris Tx was great and I think many of use would agree. How about helping us twist some arms and perhaps get more than one Region to work together on one. It doesn't have to be bigger and more expensive than the last - I just put an article in the AACA Rummage box trying to encourage folks to keep it simple - allow some time to socialize and kick tires in the parking lot after dinner. Some of the best meets I've ever been to included a simple Friday night welcome party with ice cream and soft drinks, a Saturday car show and a banquet that night -hey, and theres nothing in the world wrong with a Pizza Party for the banquet!!!

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Guest rcirilli

Boy I agree with that Terry, it seems we keep trying to outdo that last X and all we do is spend more. I remember a pair of shows put together at the last minute where pork was cooked in a tractor and the awards were given away outside. I loved it! It was by far one of the most enjoyable social events I've been at and strangely enough everyone got an award who deserved one. Imagine that!Tours are a somewhat different story but I think shows can get back to basics.

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