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1929 Spare tire lock

Guest sintid58

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Guest sintid58

I am trying to make the spare tire on my 1929 model 29-27 useable. It has a lock on it and I have no key for it. I took it to a couple lock smiths and they are unable to open it. They both said it is frozen with age and they are not able to use picks to get it open. Does anyone know how to remove this so I can replace the tire and use it in case I need it. Here are some pictures of it. Thanks




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I had success ONCE with a frozen-up key lock by squirting it in the key slot repeatedly with "electrical contact cleaner." After squirting the stuff into the lock I made a point of re-squirting and tapping the lock with a LFH a few times every time I happened to go by it. Took a week or more as I recall, but finally the pins freed up and I was able to pick it. I suggest trying this before resorting to destroying the lock by drilling it out.


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I agree with trp... Don't drill that lock!!! Soak the whole blasted thing in a pan of ATF and acetone,50/50 mix, OR your favorite penetrating oil. Have patience. Learn how to use a lock pick set you can buy on Flea-bay. Don't buy a cheap Chinese set, been there done that, never again! You'll use them many times in your life, usually for others I found out. You may have to hang the whole assembly somehow to soak the assembly in a pan and cover it up closely with saran wrap. The cam end may be rusty too, leading to harder work picking the tumblers and opening the lock.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My 1930 model 68 has sidemounts and there are 2 locks that prevent the spare tires from being stolen. In my case these were frozen with no possible way of being saved. The original locks are from Basco. I sent mine out for repair to a guy who specializes in antique car locks. He was able to replace the original locks with a set designed for a Harley Davidson which is the same size and takes the same Basco key. He used my original key covers and also was able to supply NOS Basco keys so now they work perfectly and appear as original.



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