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Jaxon or Orlo Automobile


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A friend of mine is desperately searching for JAXON Literature. This was the predecessor of Jackson- Started by Byron Carter in Jackson Michigan. Carter also produced the ORLO. His early cars were steamers.<P>Please contact me if you know of any literature or other information which might be available. Someone out there must have something!<P>Thank You!!

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Kisselman,<BR>Here is the entry on the Orlo from the Beaulieu Encyclopedia of the Automobile:<P>ORLO (1904)<BR>Jackson Automobile Co, Jackson, MI<P>The Orlo was a product of the same company that made the better known Jackson. It had a 16hp flat-twin engine mounted under the front seat and driving through a single chain. Advertising made much of the side entrance tonneau body, at a time when many, thougt not all 4-seater cars had rear-entrance tonneaus. A single cylinder runabout and delivery van were announced at the same time, but may have not been built. The Orlo lasted only one year, and thereafter the Jackson Automobile Co made only Jacksons.

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