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Sorta O/T... need wood working advice.


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First off, I am not a wood working sort of guy. But nonetheless, I need to build a .3 Cubic foot box with an 8" round hole to put my subwoofer in for the convertible (I can't stand the lack of bass... ;))

I have the normal tools, circular saw, sawzall, etc. but I'm not sure where to start with cutting that 8" hole. I'm thinking just drill a pilot hole and go at it with the sawzall. Any of you have a better suggestion?

Thanks in advance. :)

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If your sawzall is a full size (uses a 8-12" long blade, like a construction saw) it will be near impossible to cut a clean round opening for a speaker. The best ways to cut a circular opening like this are:

1) A plunge-cut router with proper bit (especially important if you will be using particle board or it will burn up the bit)

2) A random orbital jig-saw with a finish wood cutting blade (finer tooth)


3) a Roto-zip or similar tool. These work great, and are similar to a router be meant more for cutting than trim and edging work. I own all three of the above and would probably use the roto-zip for a job like this. Dremel makes a similar type of tool, but either will run a minimum of about 60-70 bucks for the most basic model.

There are also special circle cutting jigs made just for this purpose. These can be found at suppliers like Parts Express that specialize in custom speaker building. They are a bit pricey for a one off project though.


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