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Cleaning Solution


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A very good and inexpensive cleaning solution can be made using white vinegar and amonia . I mix approx. 1 cup vin. + 1/2 C. am. to a gallon of water also a dash of detergent.

I used it to clean 100 years of grease ,oil & grime from the wood body of my Hupmobile. I also clean metal parts with it. It does seem to remove some light rust .

The other day I tried it on some brass to see how it did on tarnish. I soaked one small bracket for 24 hrs, then rinsed and wiped dry ,it was nearly done. One minute of hand polishing. The second piece at five minutes of polishing was no where near as good .

Photos:Before & after the soak & after polishing ( in the last pic the "soaked one is on the right.




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