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Alan,<BR>I have been trying to e-mail you and it is all being returned as unable to deliver? I need to let you know my e-mail address is changing.<P>What is the status of the Pertronix order? Are they giving you a hard time with it? Please let us know how it is going!<BR>Duane

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It seems very strange to me that someone who was so promptly answering all queries prior to all the orders he seems to have got....... should now seem to be disregarding requests from these people for an update on their orders.<P>This, together with the returned emails,does not sound good.<P>I certainly hope there is a valid excuse for your lack of contact Alan!<P>Personally I'm glad I did not proceed with the orders I was considering.

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I was just contacted by Alan twice this week. I too was concerned but he told me that he got business approval and was placing the order this Friday (7/20) and should receive it by the end of next week. He hoped to box and ship everything out that weekend. I know it's tough in this world, but maybe we need to have a little faith adn trust in people. Hopefully we're not all unscrupulous.<P>[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: 70gsconvt ]<p>[ 07-21-2001: Message edited by: 70gsconvt ]

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Faith is good, it's rare and something that most people, myself included don't have much of in today's world. For good reason I believe. Open your eyes and take a look around. It isn't all peaches and cream like it used to be.<P>Ya have to figure the mass orders Alan undertook he would be swapped with emails, and one man can only sanely read so many in one night. More over you must figure on red tape. All companies have 'legal tape' for anyone who doesn't own their own company or have a 20k account already.<P>They purposely make it tough for groups to purchase in bulk because we're deemed 'small fish' and companies want the big fishies. Another thought would be they only want to sell items in set quantities which is hard for smaller groups who want various items.<P>I am glad that 70gsconvert was able to get an update and post it here.<P>One must think of the whole picture with things like this. Alan is known by many, a minimum of $2k order would mean at least 150 orders (unless some of you went nuts), so you have 150 either happy or angry people to deal with. Not something to take lightly. The terms were fair and discussed upfront before we all went crazy. :-) He posted his address and such, very honorable. Nobody would want even 10 angry people on your doorstep one night, a scary thought indeed. Now 150+ new friends is always a nice addition.<P>Patience *is* a virtue which it seems few people these days have. Take one look at road rage and try to tell me different. :/<P>I'd much rather find a nice guy willing to put forth the effort and save everyone at least $50 and the only thing he asks for is patience.<P>(stepping down from podium)<P>-Scott

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Not meaning to be a nag! I have stayed quite sane smile.gif" border="0 I,in one way or another need to let him know my contact info is getting ready to change as of next thursday. He may not need it but if there is a problem with something and he can't reach me then a problem exists!<P>Alan, I can't remember if I put my phone number on the check, but if not I will have my new e-mail address posted here on thursday! Just in case something happens.<P>Thanks again for setting this up!<P>Duane,

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I'm Back. Last week I tried to get on the board to post an update and it was down. First, THANKS to all of you who are patient out there. I want you to know that your checks were never cashed/deposited until I received final authorization from PERTRONIX. They took a long time processing my application. But, hey, they approved it. NOW, I went to place the order on Friday, but my wife packed up the order forms and catalogs from Pertronix. SO, I will place the order tonight after I move the office stuff to the new house and unpack it. It will probably be processed today and ship out today or tomorrow. I will post again as soon as I receive it so everyone will know about shipping expectations. PLEASE be patient. I have had a family member emergency to deal with, a LONG promised vacation for the wife to see the parents (NO COMPUTER), and moving into a new house. My apologies for not posting as often. I have answered emails of all who inquired (I believe). <P>Group deal is now over as we surpassed the necessary number. I ordered only enough to fill the group's order. <P>PLEASE feel free to call me if you have questions. (678) 431-1408. My email is knight_al@yahoo.com<P>Thanks,<P>Alan<P>PS. Duane, email me your new address.

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Guest John Chapman

Wildcat-65,<P>I think you've made a misinformed choice.<P>I've done business with Alan and have corresponded with him several times. He is a trustworthy and well-respected member of this and another Buick news group. If he didn't respond promply, there's a reason (as he explained). I'm certain that if there is problem, Alan will make it right.<P>Cheers,<BR>John

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Most people find me to be a nice guy and I'm humble enough to admit when I'm wrong.<P>If my comment offended then I apologise...in particular to Alan.<P>When dealing with people from such a distance (ie. Australia) I tend to be over cautious.I've been caught before.<P>I'm pleased to see that people are getting their orders processed.<P>Happy Buicking..........Brian

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Guest John Chapman

Yep, sound like a nice guy... er, mate.<P>Did you ever locate the Wildcat caps for the rallye wheels?<P>JMC

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Even though I did not buy a unit from Alan, I must applaud him for his effort on taking on such a task for everyone!!!!! Nice Job Alan....

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Alan,<P>I'm currious, is pertronix drop-shiping everything, or are they shipping everything to you to disperse?<P>Patience I have, trust in UPS & USPS is something I don't always have. Especially with UPS. :/<P>I would also like to applaud you Alan on everything you've done on this for everyone. It *is* very appreciated.<P>-Scott

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Pertronix drop shipped to me. Got the order Wednesday. I am repacking everything for shipment to all that ordered this weekend. A couple of items that were not in stock were shipped separately and should be here Friday. I expect to ship everything via UPS on Sunday. Sorry for the delay, but these group purchases don't work like a regular type order with a company. Of course, they won't give you the prices they buy it for either. Thanks for the patience.<P>Alan

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Looking forward to that time, Doug. Never turn down a frosty, cold drink, especially from a fellow Buick owner. Thanks for being patient. I never anticipated this lengthy of a delay, but as its been said: even the best laid plans sometimes go to waste. Very glad that this finally worked out.

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Thank You, Alan. You've done us all a giant favor by getting this whole thing together while you were busy enough to just say forget it do it your d shocked.gif" border="0 m self. <BR> Someday we shall meet in person and the KK's or the cold ones are on me. Doug BCA 33850 cool.gif" border="0

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