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Want to Buy: 1933 or 1934 Auburn V-12 Salon Sedan

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I am helping my father in his search for a tour car and a 33 or 34 Auburn V12 Salon Sedan is his top choice of vehicle for a variety of reasons. Older restoration is preferred but any condition considered. After all beggars can't be choosers and we recognize these cars are uncommon.

Any information or tips on where I may be able to find a car for sale would be very gratefully appreciated! Please post here or email me at jkerns25@gmail.com

Thank you very much!

Justin Kerns

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I think your father will have to settle for a different car. To my knowledge there are but two of these cars extant. From my understanding, one has been owned by a family (the Quicks if memory is correct) since it was new. It is all original and the family has no intention of parting with it. Ever. The other car is owned by Bill Parfet of Hickory Corners, MI. He has the complete set of all five body styles of the '33-34 V-12 Auburn Salons. All five are painted in matching colors. I have driven Bill's car a couple times and it would be a wonderful tour car. Unfortunately for you, it is part of a complete set that took him nearly 20 years to acquire. I suspect he would not be in the least bit interested in selling that car either. Sorry to be a bummer, but you might be better off trying for an earlier car (there may be a '32 out there that would be available) or perhaps a different brand.


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Hi Eric,

Thanks for your post. Yes I am familiar with all of that information and those cars. There are supposedly a couple of others out there but the information is not yet rock solid and I am working on it. I agree though that the search may need to be widened. As you mention 32 Auburn V-12's are certainly a little more available, as an example.

I'm trying to broaden the search outside of the ACD Club realm, hence the post here. You never know who might know of something that has otherwise been forgotten!



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