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A Big Thank you to the Reatta Div Members


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I see that Mr Rick Young posted the winner of the Membership contest and the Reatta Division has won. I wanted to say thanks to all Reatta Division members and also a big thanks to Rick Young. Lets have a big turn out of Reattas at the National meet in Ames this summer. It is nice to know that there will not be any charge for the Reatta Rendezvous dinner this year thanks to Rick. The Rendezvous is scheduled for Friday night the same night as the cookout.

It would be great if we would all send a PM to Rick thanking him.

Who all is going to Ames

See ya in Ames

Chuck Kerls

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Guest Reatta1

Would like to be there as well, but finances just won't allow. Will miss seeing you Chuck, and the other Reatta guys.


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