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Dash Problem


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I pulled my 48 Continental apart two years and am having a few memory problems putting it back together.Right now I'm trying to put the dash back together and cannot figure out what holds the chrome retainer rings to the clock and speedometer faces.Any help would be greately appreciated. Also I need a postwar V12 flywheel if any one has an extra one. 804 3506691

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I used the 5 little screws to mount the speedometer and clock to the dash along with one of the retainer rings . I now have one retainer ring and the chrome bezel along with the glass face left over. There is no visible way to attach these to the face of the clock and speedometer. What have I done wrong or is there another piece to the puzzle that I've miss placed?

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There are 3 pieces to the bezel & lens cover besides the glass itself. The glass is retained by the center ring which has little tabs on it. The outer ring fits inside the center ring. This ring has the screw holes in it for mounting to the spedometer and clock. After mounting the glass and the 2 rings the edge of the chrome bezel needs to be crimped over to hold everything together. The five tiny screws can then be used to fasten the bezel and lens assembly to the speedometer and clock. Hope these pics help. The speedometer and clock assemblies are then attached to the dash with the aid of "L" shaped brackets.




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Guest V12Bill

I know this is not the right location, but I can't seem to locate how to post a new post. Just wanted to alert all V 12 admirers that the Indoor Lincoln Swap Meet will be held in Lancaster , PA at the Days Inn on Lititz Pike next weekend Jan 22 & 23 & 23. Weather is forecast for mild temperatures,low 40's, and chance of showers for Friday. Not to worry , its INDOORS! Reservations can be made for $52 per nite by calling 717 293 8400 and tell them your with the LZOC group for the special rate.

Edited by V12Bill (see edit history)
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Yeah, this new forum is NOT user-friendly!

Bill, I took the liberty of copying your information and starting a new thread by clicking on the "New Thread" button at the top of the screen.

The problem is that "New Thead" seems to ONLY appear when you first enter the forum.

Hopefully, LOTS of people will attend the meet!

By the way, the Santa Maria meet was VERY good last November.

Edited by Phil Knapp (see edit history)
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