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Brake Lite is on!

Guest Leroy Cook

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Guest Leroy Cook

I have a 1991 Reatta and my brake lite warning lite is on. I have disconnected the battery but it is still on. The brakes are fine. New pads and rotors were installed.

So how do I get this lite off?:confused:

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I had a 1989 Electra T Type. The battery would run down without warning, in a seemingly aimless manner.

I found that the brake light switch, which is mounted on the bottom of the steering column, was "loose" in its bracket/carrier. When the brake pedal was at rest, the switch was held "in" by the brake pedal arm. When the brakes were applied, it allowed current to pass when the switch button moved "out". On my car, there was enough play in the attachment that it would move "out" randomly and turn on the lights.

I used some wire to hold it in place and it lasted for several years until I sold the car.

Hope your problem is solved as easily.

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Guest Leroy Cook

My reply did not get posted! Nevertheless, It was the Parking Brake that was keeping the lite on! I thought I check this out. I guess not since I manually pulled the P. brake back and the lite went out.

Next week I will be traveling from Marysville,Ohio to Fort wort, Texas. It looks like around 1100 miles. I sure hope the weather holds out.

Again thanks for the tip. It worked.:)

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I think the shortest route is to Indy, Effington IL, down to W. Memphis, Little Rock and Dallas.

If the weather looks bad try Dayton, Louisville, Nashville.........then you can go to Memphis or if the weather looks threatning, drop on down to Birmingham then I-20 into Dallas

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