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Reatta Division


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I just wanted everybody to know that your Reatta Division of the BCA has made a cash donation of $1000.00 to the BCA to support the Bugle. We are lucky to have a bunch of members that support our DIvision and in turn we are able to support the BCA and the fine magazine that we have. If you are not a member of the BCA, then you are not a member of the Reatta Division and miss out on a lot of good stuff.

It is easy to post on this forum free but there is a lot of info out there that only a member can have. The BCA is having some financial issues and now is the time to step up and help. The Reatta Division is growing and we have to set the standards. In other words put your money where it counts.

Bottom line Join the BCA and the Reatta Divison and make plans to go to the National meet in Ames Iowa


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Let me add that the BCA Bugle publishes a list of new Buick club members each month.

It has their name, address and the model number of their car......so we can tell if they have a Reatta.

If you check the listing, the BCA get about 8-10% of their new members from Reatta owners.

If you think about a club that services a marque that is over 100 years old and we have that percent of new members for a model that was only built for 4 years (4% of the years) it is amazing.

The other thing that interest me is the fact that lots of people do not realize there is a Buick club. At car shows, when you talk to people interested in "cars" there will always be a few

that will say that.

Last, Why is the Reatta club part of the BCA?

The founders of the Reatta club looked at all the options, problems, and services involved in putting together a good (great) club. After lots of thought and number crunching, they chose to affiliate the Reatta club with the BCA.

Some of the reasons....... The BCA host an annual National Meet, as a Division of the BCA, the Reatta Division can be part of that National Meet. Otherwise the Reatta club would need to hold a seperate meet with all the work, and problems associated with organizing a meet. Insurance..... the BCA covers meet insurance. The BCA allows space in the Bugle for all Divisions to run articles, every month. The Bugle editor chose last December to make the Bugle a "Reatta" issue and in one issue we were able to address lots of Reatta cars and information.

I know many Reatta owners grumble about the requirement to belong to the BCA if you want to be a Reatta Division member. Looking at the big picture, Reatta Division dues would be considerable more than the present $10 if the Reatta Division had to provide everything to the members that we get from the BCA.

When possible, the Reatta Division has activities at the National meet. Next year, at Ames Iowa, the Reatta Division has a block of rooms at the Best Western so Reatta owners that register early will all be staying at the same hotel. This allows us to look over the cars easier, associate with other Reatta owners, and share stories around the pool after all the other activities are over.

We also have the Reatta Rendezvous each year. It started back around 1998 (going to Danvers MA) with a group of Reatta owners coming from Chicago. They published their route and schedule.... along the way from Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Pensylvania, NY, etc more Reatta owners joined them and the final rendezvous point was established. They stayed about 4 hours out of Danvers allowing more East coast Reatta owners to join them and the next morning they came into the Danvers National meet as a group.

In the years following the initial Rendezvous, the format has changed to just a Reatta Division gathering with dinner one night during the National meet. Our group get larger each year and finding a place to eat that has the room get more difficult but the rendezvous continues.

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Barney that is great information and you are right there are a lot of people that go to car shows that dont know that there is a BCA. Even more people dont know that they can join the BCA RIGHT NOW WITH A CREDIT CARD. If there is anyone out there that needs the information about joining the Reatta Division you can also go to Reatta.org. Any one of the club members mentioned there can get the paper work to them by mail.

There are some members of other divisions that have challenged all other divisions to sign up the most members, It is just too bad that they will lose so badly. Please Join with the rest of the Reatta membership and go out and find at least one new member and we can all roll into Ames Iowa being Number 1



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Speaking of Ames......... lets try and break the 2003 record of 93 Reattas at the meet.

Ames is close enough to Michigan and Ohio, two states that have a high number of Reattas registered.

There are many suttle things that non-Reatta division members don't see. Example, it was probably the fall 2008 Reatta Newsletter that we listed the states by their Reatta registration.

Michigan is #1 with 1509 (as of November 2008) Ohio with 1253, California with 1165,


At that time we also listed the survival rate of each year (as of Nov 2008)

1988 = 58%

1989 = 64%

1990 = 74%

1991 = 74%

Overall survival rate = 67% Please note this is based on registration, unregistered parts cars, and cars that may be hidden away in dealers back room are not in the count.

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Do you have to own a Reatta to join? I consider myself a Reatta enthusiast. I get most of the information for my 1989 Riviera from the Reatta board. I do belong to the ROA (Riviera Owners Association) Does this help?

The help for my 1999 Riviera is limited.



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Guest sintid58

I was all excited, thinking I could just pop over to the Reatta division site and join with my credit card today and be done with it. Oh well I guess I will have to do it the old fashioned way. I don't think I know how to use a check anymore, or for that fact where the check book is. I will have to get my wife on finding that for me.

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I just talked to George Madsen and he told me that the Reatta Division still has a few copies of the Reatta Bugle from last December. This is an issue that everybody that has a Reatta should have. The article from Barney Eaton is very good, in fact he won and a award from the BCA on the article at the Nationals in Colo. Springs last summer. If you want on or need another now is the time. Members of the BCA and Reatta Division can get a copy for $5.00 and non members can get a copy for $10.00 while they last.

Contact George or Carole Madsen

at georgemadsen@att.net or Carole Madsen at carolemadsen@att.net I was told they only had 10 left


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