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My Plans for Saturday


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My goal in attending Hershey is to take as many photos as possible of rarer vehicles. I downloaded the map for the 2009 Show Car Field and took a highlighter and highlighted the must see classes such as brass, true classics, firetrucks, etc. I hope this will enable me to use my time to the best advantage. In 2007 I started out with the brass cars and moved on up through the classics and just about finished with the prewar cars when the cars started leaving.

I probably spent more time standing by, waiting patiently for the crowd to clear back from certain cars so I could take a picture than actually taking pictures. After waiting several minutes at one particular auto, the crowd finally moved on and just as I was pushing the button on the camera some nut that had been standing beside me took two steps to his left and planted himself squarely in front of me to take a photo. Up until then I thought people taking photos respected the rights of others taking photos. I had to wonder what a surgeon would charge to remove my 10 1/2 EEE shoe from his lower body. Oh well!

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I have noticed that no one cares about getting in the way of your photo. Some are just oblivious, and others couldn't care less.

If I am walking past a car and see someone about to take a pic, I will stop and wait for them to take it. However, I am not going to stand there forever while they wait for the perfect shot or take 20 pictures from every angle. If I don't see them, well that can't be helped. By the way, very few say thanks if you stop or step out of their pic.

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I believe politeness works both ways. If someone stops to give me a chance to take a pic I always tell them as soon as I get it and thank them for stopping. When I see a car I want a photo of two of, I try to pick my place and compose the photo while they look and then snap it when they move. As for the guy who stood at my elbow and then stepped directly in front of me as soon as the people moved, I have no respect for that kind of conduct.

As for this year, it has become doubtful that I will be taking any photos. I was trying to get the grass mowed Saturday and the mower threw a rock against my leg. I have no idea how the rock got where it was, and worse yet, no idea where it went when it bounced off my leg. I am glad I was wearing denims and not a pair of shorts. I got the wound sewn up but the leg is too painful to walk on and I don't look for it to get that much better by Saturday. I'll decide Thursday whether to make the trip. Just my luck I guess.

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Sorry to hear about your leg injury.

In case you did not realize you could bring a folding chair and your camera and get a space along the side of the road where the show cars enter the show field. While that position may not give you an ideal photo taking position, you will get to see virtually every, single show vehicle (except the race cars possibly) and give you a photo opportunity. You then can determine which vehicles you want furhter photos of and find them on the show field if your leg is not bothering you too much.

Just a thought.....

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That thought had already entered my mind. The biggest drawback is not getting any I.D. for the vehicles; year, make, model, etc. When I download my photos and file them, I like to know exactly what each auto is. In other words, I don't see the point of storing a bunch of photos of unknown automobiles. That to me is like taking photos of people when I don't know who they are. As for coming to Hershey, I won't make a final decision until Thursday but I think it is hopeless. The leg is too sore to walk on and Thursday is only two days away. The X-Rays did not show a fracture but I am concerned that the bone is bruised. The area is very hot which suggests to me that it is inflamed but there are no other signs of infection showing. I hope everyone lucky enough to get to Hershey enjoys it. I always did when I was there; even when i got soaking wet.

P.S. I had already looked for a folding stool that I could carry in a back pack before the accident.

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