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Drove the 32 DL6 today with BRAKES !!!!!!!

Guest outlaw car man

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Guest outlaw car man

Finally got the 32 DL6 on the road today and it has brakes !!!

Drove around just a bit, first time running and all-

THEN, it wouldn't start- Checked the glass filter bowl & it was dark orange- yikes. Pulled plugs too, fouled of course.

OK, bad gas.. So, went to drain the tank and the PO had JB welded the drain plug in.

I had originally added some fresh gas when I got the car, PO said he had just added gas too.

When it runs, it sure runs smooth tho-

Again, thanks to all that have helped on my 32 DL6 project, both of them . Other one runs PERFECT- Took the entire family for an Easter cruise- Wonderful , original car-


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