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Guest 1930

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I am thinking about making a trip to Detroit public Library,I have recently been working with a couple of people that have been sending me info but I guess I am under the assumption that there is tons more to be found. They claim to have the largest collection of early automotive info in this country. Anyone had any experince with this, anyone gone there and checked it out, anyone live near there that I can shack up with for a couple of nights? Kidding...Is there in anyones experience a better collection somewhere else, plane tickets are so cheap I would be a fool not to take advantage.

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If you are going to Detroit you need to go north about 30 miles to Auburn Hills, Michigan to visit the W.P.Chrysler Museum. They also have a ton of info. Not to mention the FABULOUS displays of the Turbine car and lots of other interesting stuff. Then of course there is the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village........and on and on....wish I could be your tour guide!




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Well what are your rates, seriousely though it would be great to spend a week there I guess since you mention all these other places. I would enjoy seeing them all. Maybe a week would not be enough. Splitting hotel, fuel and so on would be much better with someone else. Hope you dont mind spooning????? (That makes me sorta sick to even joke about just to let you know ) Anyway last I knew you may have been outta work, I am too so this is the perfect time for me to go but budget will be tight. Round trip from Florida is 230 somthing I think, I had someone look online for me so I need to check into that. That is so cheap that I cant almost pass it up.

The only thing I am cautuios about is evidently the archives at DPL cannot be gone thru by anyone walking in. I guess you have to go thru the comp. and pick out what you want to see and they bring it to you to view. This is a little crappy in that I dont know specifically what I want. I have specific info that I am looking for to begin with but I know that there might be alot of general info in other areas that I would be missing but I guess I need to be more gratefull for what they do offer. I guess from talking with the two gals there they have quite a few different areas that they store different types of info.

I had not thought of WPC museum, I guess that sorta locks it in for me.

I unlike my wife ( who will be staying home ) can live on Ramen noodles for a week so I can go really cheap and enjoy being able to go more so than if I ate at a 4 star rest. every day so anyway lets talk if you are or anyone else interested.

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You may get more information out of the Chrysler Museum archives. For a fee of $45.00 (last I heard) you can get a copy of the build sheet for your car. It will give you the original owner's name, date of delivery and so on...

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I have this already, I need to go online myself but a friends wife lookied up spirit airlines today and round trip of 130 something. I wish you could go or someone here would be great but I will go myself if I have too. I am thinking about spending 10-14 days there or maybe just a couple, I need to talk with somone that knows the area and can give me a btter idea of what kind of time I need to see all I want to see. I am going primarily for the archives but am also of course interested in seeing the cars on display.

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