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serial number on frame

Guest 1930

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I have always wondered what or where this serial number referanced, it is not the same number as found on the I.D. plate on floorboard so I am hoping someone has more info on this. There must have been a way of identifying that this frame # went with the body it was under?


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I am sitting here looking at a Dodge Master Parts book from 1914 to 1934. Is there a number that you can read? I will check and see if there is a frame part number that matches, if you like. John

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Guest Backyardmechanic


The Number on the frame should match the number on the tag on the toe board on you DB.the engine Number will be somthing like 50,000 higer difference.If the 71879 number is located on the frame ,then this number will be the car serial number In case of the said number your car was made around May 24,1916 BUT I belive early DB had the same number stamp on the cross mumber under the seat.I know both of My 1923s (touring & coupe) are stamp both places.

The above info is for the 4 cylinders 1914-1927.

Vern From ROMAR

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I have talked with a couple of DA owners and have yet to hear of a car where the serial # in floorboard matched the # on frame but I plan to continue working on this to see what I come up with. Thanks for the input, I have filed it away for future consideration.

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Hi Vern, I just went ou and looked again and I missed that it also says DA 71879, so I guess that it is starting to look like the frame has been changed at some point. I knew that the car was in some sort of accident because it never did quite steer right and I found a bent axle and some other steering components but I never would have guessed that it would have been enough to swap a frame. The parts book only lists one frame for DA so at least I know it is the right frame just not the original prob. At this point I will still look into it further. I am looking for a DA where the two #s do match and I have not found any yet but I have only managed to get two different cars #s. If anyone can confirm their #s match on Data plate on floor and serial # on frame than I guess that would close the case. Thanks again for everyones input

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Guest Backyardmechanic


After I read more of this topic I saw that you had a DA.It would be interest to know what #ers are on the title?and if the toe board tag is a Repro.There could be the case where the tile was lost and someone had came up with the numbers (didn't know of the Frame #)and received a tile thu a tile company.Or found the tag at a swap meet and use this to get a tile.

some one suggest for u to obtain a DA part list We have a reprint that has water damage on the cover and satins on a few pages but it is readable, that we got when we purchase ROMAR from Bob Long in 1999 You are welcome to it.Of course we have reprints for sale too.

Email me your mailing address if you want it


until next time,


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Yes I thought about that also, I think though that the tag on the floor is correct, it is definitely not a reprint. It was nailed down to the floor in the same way using the same small nails as I have seen before. The title by the way uses the engine #, they made a mistake there also by the way, instead of H they used a 4 looks alot alike I guess but I dont think I will have any problems there with DMV, they are pretty lax here. No inspections for nothing. I am not concerned with the frame so much, stuff happens and it is a DA frame, DA only used one frame on all models so it is identical to what I had originally. Just the numbers dont match, ( still not even posative they are supposed to though ) They even sold frame sections for 29/30 so who knows what might have happened over the years. It all makes for an interesting story though. Sent you a P.M by the way on that parts book.

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Jason, I checked the frame numbers on a DA frame I have with its toeboard number-- Vern is correct, those numbers should and do match. See the attached photo showing the "advertised" location of the VIN on the right side frame rail and the "secret" VIN # on top of the frame rail (on this frame the top # isn't stamped very deeply, but it is definitely there and indeed matches the toeboard VIN).

One more point on the DA frames you mentioned, re: only being one frame for the DA. I have two DA frames, and they are very different in several ways (one is RHD and the other is LHD).




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Good point Joe, thanks for making that correction, I dont know how I ever felt I could make such a statement without getting busted by Gistapo Joe, by the way whats the good word with your dad and my medallions? Did you do me right or leave me hanging out to dry with no medallion.

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Received that parts book today Vern, thanks very much, I will look it over and see that it is identical to what I have already and then reprint the torn pages so that I can find a worthy home for it. My good buddy and crash test dummy dummy dummy dummy partner needs one.

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