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Please Help a New '37 Buick Special Owner


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I just bought a '37 Buick Special and had it trucked from FL to MA where I live. According to the truck driver, the hood apparently flew off the car in transit and showed up without it. I could really use some advice on where to get some good hood parts. I may have found a hood but I am not sure what will be on it when it comes and what else I'll need to complete it. In addition I have no idea what holds the hood down to the body. It appears that the hinge attaches fore and aft but beyond that I have no brackets of any type to secure it, which is probably why it flew off in the first place.

I have the shop manual and other reference materials but they have no pictures or illustrations of any hold down brackets so anything would help. If you know where I can get them that would help too.

As far as the trucking fiasco be careful when you have these cars shipped. I am now left holding the bag since the company, Countrywide Auto Transport, claims it is not their fault.

Thanks for the help, Joe.

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CALL..DAVE TACHENY 763 427 3460

ROD PHILLIPS 913 481 6763

VINCE TRUANT 410 321 1938


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My Buicks are 38s.. is probally the same.. two flat headed bolts that slide thru the hood hinge.. one of them is over the radio under the dash, might be a little tight,if you have a radio, but not bad.. pretty simple.. See if those two flat head bolts are still there.. one on the cowl, and the other is on the radiator support... Did it damage any of the other parts of the car? I was afraid of that on my 38 when I had it brought it home, so I put a strap over it.. John

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Guest Tishabet

Hi pnutzdad,

where in MA are you located? I live in Lowell, and rent a garage space in Littleton where my '38 is currently slumbering through the winter.

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Hi John:

I am pretty sure the '37 and '38 hoods are different. I think the '37 is split in the middle and swings up from the center spine where the '38 lifts from each side putting its weight on the other. Now my info is based on seeing the 38 hood once and never seeing the 37 hood up close so I could be wrong.

For Tishabet - I am in North Andover. Today I drove my half-naked car around the block then put it back in the garage. We won't see 60 degrees again until April!!!


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Your right the hoods are different,, The side panels on the 38 stay in place, only the the tops lift up, and the hood side stay in place,,, they have to be unbolted to remove... The 37s side lift up along with the top like the most older cars.. But I think the two flat head bolts may be the same on the 37 and 38... Let me know about the two bolts on your car if they are still there... Was there any damage to the car when the hood came off? If not was it possible it was stolen?

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Hi John:

Not sure what is still there as I never saw the set up before. I'll be able to determine more once the hood comes but it may be a few weeks yet.

There looks to be a scratch on the roof but I am not sure if it was there before. As for the hood it could be anywhere. The truck driver claims the hood was on the car at the stop before mine which was about 75 miles away. I drove the interstate between here and there and didn't see anything but it would be a long shot to find it anyway. He assured me his insurance would cover it so like a dope I paid him and then found out that if the wind was the cause of the loss I won't get a dime. It has been a few weeks and no adjuster has even come to look at the car to make the claim official. It has already ruined my excitement for the car and I just don't look forward to the effort, time and expense I'll go through to get it set up. Oh well, live and learn!

Regards, Joe.

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Thanks Stevo. Along the way I looked at a 1937 Packard just outside of Buffalo. I made a deal with the guy in his garage, shook hands on it and by the time we got inside his house to fill out the paperwork he upped the price. I walked out on him but I am happier I bought the Buick! Joe.

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Guest Tishabet

North Andover, practically around the corner from me! I live in downtown Lowell, so the 495/93 intersection is only around 6 miles away. Let me know if you need any help with anything on your 38, I'll be seeing you on the road!

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Maybe I'll see you around in my Buick. Maybe you'll see my hood on 495!

Stevo - Better safe than sorry. I'd prefer to keep his info private. He may have just been confused (as I am trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.)

Regards, Joe.

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