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Congratulations Queen City!

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I want to thank Don Reid and all of the Queen City Region for hosting a wonderful Meet. It was obvious that a lot of planning and prep went into this past weekend event. The host hotel was wonderful and the hotel staff could not have been better. Friday night was unbelievable and the show setting will never be surpassed. I never want to do a parking lot show again!!! Don, contrats on a job well done!

Mickey McChesney

Past Pres.

Tidewater Region, VA

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Guest quadfins

I would like to add my thanks to QCR for hosting a fantastic show. The arrangements were wonderful, and the setting was superb. The lakeside show field created a Concourse-like feeling.

Congratulations on a job well done.

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<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">the show setting will never be surpassed</div></div>That's exactly how I felt when I saw it too. The 2010 meet will be held in my stomping grounds and I already know that with the atmosphere, we will never come close.

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