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Fun Night!

Guest 39Super8

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Guest 39Super8

Just some pictures from an interesting evening here in Scottsdale, at a local cruise night. These are some of the member’s cars in the PI Arizona Chapter. Best variety of Packards I have seen out on a Saturday night.

Best part for me is making it there and back with no problems. Racking up some miles, and building confidence in the car.





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Guest 39Super8

Latter in the evening, one of the members arrived in his ’29, and parked next to my ’39 which was parked next to a ’49. The picture is dark because the sun was down, but it is sure neat to see three decades of design, and look in a row at a cruse night. I am not even sure folks understood that those three cars parked one next to the other represented such a wide span of Packard design and beauty, and history.


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Guest 39Super8


My car is really just a nice survivor.

The two next to it were just exquisite. The 29 was just beautiful, and the 49 has been run in the great race 4 or 5 times (can’t recall exactly) and is absolutely gorgeous. These fellows must really put time and effort into them. There was such a great variety; a good mix of driver / survivor quality cars like mine, and beautifully restored cars as well.


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When I go to a show, I personally prefer seeing a survivor to seeing a perfectly restored car. Any car can be restored to perfection if you have enough time and/or money, but a car that has a nice patina to it is hard to copy.

There's a guy who brings some old cadillacs to a show I go to occasionally, and he sometimes brings a perfectly restored 1930 v16 roadster and sometimes an original unrestored 1932 v8 roadster. The v16 is dazzling, but I greatly prefer to see the v8.

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